Kinderstar Program


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We will be starting our Kinderstar program this Monday, October 17th.

This program is quite magical yet simple! The children love it! Each day one child is the KINDERSTAR for that day! That means he/she get to do bring the attendance to the office, be the leader of the line for the day, do special jobs for the teachers and just feel special! In time, we will begin to add show and tell onto our Kinderstar days but not until each student has a turn to be Kinderstar once. 🙂

Slow and steady! 🙂

The order of the Kinderstar is in alphabetical order of our class list. So on Monday, Zaid will be our first Kinderstar! Next will be Arsalan on Tuesday!

So, on Monday October 17th, Zaid will be our first Kinderstar!

Zaid, you are going to be terrific!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*October calendar will be sent home on Monday! I am just finalizing a few birthday dates and when picture day is and I will send it to you both in hard copy and as a pdf on our blog! Any mistakes that I make (which usually there is one…I do that on purpose :), please let me know and I will correct!) Keep an eye out for the calendar on our blog as well as in Mr. Zippy!

*If your child is going to be away on his/her Kinderstar day, please let us know. We can either do a switch or we can share a day with another student! or we can just add his/her day at the end of the month when we clipart starhave gone through the class.

Thanks so much for reading!

Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂

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