The last few days…and thank you!

sun-clipart.1Hi my SK Kinder families!

I hope the children had a good first day of summer yesterday despite the rain!!!

I officially started my summer holidays around 4 yesterday!  Yipeeeee!!

The classroom is clean, toys are away, shelves are cleared and things are ready to be scrubbed and shined up for the Fall. It was such a busy last week and so hot, I can’t believe my year with your children is over.  Boohoo!

I wish to express what a privilege and pleasure it has been to watch your child grow during the last year (and some 2 years) of Kindergarten.

Thank you for all of your support throughout the year! I appreciate all the time spent working with your child and donating items to the classroom activities as well. Your participation and time spent volunteering was greatly appreciated by Mr. Kneebone and myself.

I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked at learning and I know you will be successful in grade one!

We have all grown close and become apart of each other and I know we shall always keep a little of each other with us. I have been luck enough to watch personalities unfold day after day and watch how we have al learned to be kind and respectful towards each other.

I will always keep a watchful eye and be interested in your child and his or her learning path. Please know you can always come and say hi or drop me a line at any time!

Thank-you for all of the lovely gifts and special cards you gave me this week. I am so touched by your thoughtfulness and I appreciate your generousity!

And more importantly, thank you for bringing  such precious children into my life.

Happy Summer!! Be safe and happy and enjoy each moment together!


Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂


We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wonderful SK Success morning!


What a great morning!

Thank-you for coming and spending the morning with us! I think everyone had a great time! I sure did and I enjoyed talking to each of you!

and thank-you for the yummy food contributions!

Here are a few pics for you!

Please feel free to send me any of your pics at



Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂





Party time!!

Ice cream sundaes on Thursday


Our “Ice-cream Sundae” day is coming soon: this Thursday June 27th! We will supply the vanilla ice-cream, bowls and spoons! We were hoping each student could donate a topping that is nut-free. See the toppings below and please send in the topping to school on the morning of Thursday June 27th. Your children decided what toppings they would like to eat and bring!

If its too inconvenient, please let me know! I know it is a busy time of year!

Please do not buy any toppings that say “may contain peanuts’ or from the dollar store or bulk barn.

Thank-you so much!!!! If you would like to join us, we will be having our Sundaes after our second outside play, around 2:00 pm! There will be lots! Let me know via Mr. Zippy if you can join us!

Cherries- Brian

2 Bananas each– Syena, Grace,  Alivia

Chocolate syrup– Peter, Arwa

Marshmallows-Leon, Maanya (just a little container please)

cut up strawberries– Emily, Etta


smarties-  Ms. Jo-Anne

grapes– Jonathan

chocolate chips (President Choice or Chipits)-   Niki, Will

Sprinkles (Cake Mate)- Skylar, London, Issam

Whip cream (can)- Gracie

DARE gummy bears- Chingis

DARE gum worms-  Trevor, Angela

Can’t wait!

Ms. Jo-Anne and Mr.  Kneebone:)



Hi everyone!

I am looking so forward to tomorrow and seeing the children, our last Monday together!

I hope to see most of you as well as your extended family members at our “SK Success Day“.  Just a wee note to let you know to arrive around 9:15-930 am. Parking might be a bit of an issue but please feel free to park in our new parking lot if there are spots or any of the side streets around the school. Remember to come through the main front door of the school please.

Our “SK Success day” will be special yet casual and low key! We have a few special things planned for you but I am seeing this time as a nice way to acknowledge the successes as well as a time to say our goodbyes! sniff sniff! We will enjoy food and be together!

See you in the morning!

Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂

PS… I’ll have the paint island set up with food and please feel free to put the food you are contributing there! Thanks so much in advance!


a little update


I am sorry for not blogging lately, its been a little… no, a lot busy with the busy-ness June brings. I am just about done writing the children’s report cards. These will go home on Wednesday June 27. As I sit here and write, I just feel so proud of my students and the hard work they have done all year! They are reading, writing, problem solving, developing their critical thinking and problem solving skills just to name a few of the wonderful skills they have developed over the year! I am amazed and so honoured to be part of their growing!

Speaking of growing…our bean plants are huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge! We have been recording the growth of our plants in our “Bean Journals”. The children come in each morning and love to see if their plant is growing! We will send these home early next week!

Checking our beans!

Checking our beans!


More news…our caterpillars have spun their cocoons and we are anticipating our painted ladies to be arriving on Monday or Tuesday! We are so excited to see this happen, metamorphosis is truly, truly beautiful and amazing to watch. We will  release our butterflies in the courtyard a day after they “hatch”!

our cocoons

our cocoons

The children made beautiful, creative Father’s Day gifts and cards for their daddy’s on Friday! I hope all the Dad’s have a happy and wonderful day tomorrow! (If you don’t know what the gift is for….send me a message! :))

Here is a picture of our 3D castle that is displayed in the front hall! Thank-you for sending in your 3 D recycled items! The children had a great time planning, building, painting and writing about their castle!!

Our castle!

Our castle!

As  some of you know, I hurt my back at school this week and was off for a few days. I am beginning to feel much better but have to be careful with my bending, twisting, sitting and moving quickly…all things I do every day and take for granted.

Thanks for your best wishes when I was off.


sun-clipart.1A few friendly reminders:

Library books are due back! We will get a class set of freezies from Madame Poirier if we return our books asap.

Tuesday June 18-late afternoon we will be watching the grade 1’s in  Mrs. Brown’s class put on a “Reader’s theatere in the courtyard and we will enjoy freezies with them as well.

Backyard Bugs Workshop is this Wednesday June 19…we are looking forward to this as well as seeing all of our parent volunteers!

Summer Kinder Playdate is this Friday June 21st- from 9;15-11:00. We will be having a lunch of hot dogs so please just send in snacks in your child’s lunch that day.

I think that is it for now!

I will send more information about our “SK success day” and  “Ice-cream Sundae party” toppings  sign up later this week!

Thanks for reading!

A cute little pic to leave you with…

fun with magnifying glasses

fun with magnifying glasses

Love, Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂