Movember Day!!!…next Tuesday Nov. 29!!!

Announcing….from Ms. Stephens…
On November 29, we will be holding a one-day event at our school called MOVEMBER DAY!

During November each year, men all around the world grow moustaches to help raise funds and awareness for cancer research. Mr Hooper and Mr Richardson have grown moustaches to support WEJ’s Movember, and now it’s time to see Ms Shirley with a boxcar moustache! Ms Lewis with a handlebar moustache! Mme Esposito with a trucker moustache!

Students and teachers are invited to participate in our MOVEMBER DAY, and donate a toonie to cancer research to sport a moustache for the day. You can draw one on, wear one you’ve made from paper or yarn, or wear a fake one you have left over from Halloween!

It will be a lot of fun and it will raise money for an important cause!

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