Scientists in the school..successful! Thank-you to our awesome parents!

Hi Chickadee dot families!

snowflakeHappy Snowy Monday! We had 18 students at KHPS today during our second “snow day”!

We welcome 2 new students to our class: Grace and Owen! We are now a class of 30! 🙂 The boys and girls are doing a great job at welcoming our new friends!

Just a wee blog to let you know that the children had a blast and learned about all sorts of neat things during our “Scientists in Winter” workshop! This was such a successful and enjoyable morning! Thank-you to all of our wonderful volunteers who learned, ran and worked with the children! Hopefully, you all had a chance to look through the little brown bag that came home with samples of your child’s learning about winter birds, snowflake formation, meterologist information etc! A big thank-you to Ms. Bennett for organizing this for our Kindergarten students at KHPS and to Nancy Rowley for her wonderful Science learning opportunities!

Thank-you again for your support towards this learning activity and for your participation! Much appreciated! Not to mention it was so great to see you all again! Next activity, coffee and donuts 🙂

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!


winter birds

winter birds

animals preparing for winter: blubber, fur...

animals preparing for winter: blubber, fur…




Winter birds...

Winter birds…


parents prepping…


looking at the formation of snowflakes using microscopes

Love, Ms. Jo-Anne and our awesome team

Image result for crafts for christmas clipartPS..Craft rotation information will be coming home soon…Thursday Dec. 22 from 8:30-10:30 am…we will be inviting parents to help out if anyone is free…. 🙂

PSS…I am trying to send the odd picture to you via email (a few each day of your children learning) and also posting a few pics on twitter….please follow me if you want…@jojopull 🙂