Happy September!!!! New move for Ms. Jo-Anne! Kanata Highlands PS

schoolhouse clipartHappy September to you all!

Only 2 more sleeps until school starts! Yipeeeeeeee!

I hope you had a wonderful summer! The weather sure was perfectly summery!doodles-clipart-sun



As you know, I am no longer teaching at W. Erskine Johnston PS. I miss the community of colleagues, parents, my team of Mrs. Lara and Ms. Melissa and especially your children.. our students already! I bet they have grown so much over the summer! Please say hello and give them a big polka dot hug from me!

Although I  miss WEJ very much as it was my home for 6 great years, I am very excited to begin my journey as a teacher at Kanata Highlands PS!!!

I am already enjoying the excitement and hard work of starting up a new school with a team of inspiring teachers and administrators! It has been an exciting and eventful last few days moving into the new, beautiful building and setting up a brand new classroom! I have purged, organized, planned and created a new learning space for Junior and Senior Kindergarten students who will be offered a Bilingual program! So many new and exciting opportunities!

Let me introduce myself, Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Goyal! We are thrilled to be your child’s English teachers! As you know, Kindergarten in the OCDSB is now a Bilingual program where Kinder kiddos learn English and French 50%. At KHPS, we will be doing half days of English and French and the children will remain in their classroom! Our French team of teachers are Madame McCurry, Madame Bourre and Madame Kahn. We are all new at this model but are extremely happy to be working together to provide our kiddos with a balanced, play-based, Language-rich program! 🙂


Mrs. Goyal (ECE), Mrs. McCarthy (ECE) and me, Ms. Jo-Anne (Teacher)

Mrs. Goyal (ECE), Mrs. McCarthy (ECE) and me, Ms. Jo-Anne (Teacher) This picture was taken on Monday-our very first time in the building! and what a gorgeous building it is!




Brand new classroom

Brand new classroom!!!!


Brand new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brand new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Looking good!

Reading corner! House and Painting centre to arrive!

Reading corner!
House and Painting centre to arrive!


Classroom is coming along!

Classroom is coming along!

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I would love to hear from you and hear how your child is doing in either SK or grade 1. My email address is the same at Jo-Anne.Pulley@ocdsb.ca! Please drop me a line and let me know how you are!

I wish you all the best for a successful school year!

Lots of love, peace and of course Polka dots!

Love, Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂