Little Update

cute-chickadeeHi Chickadee Family! “Chickadee, dee, dee, dee dots!”

Hope you are having a great night! Brrrrr…it sure is starting to feel like Fall! We are so lucky to be surrounded by our beautiful Trillium Forest here at Highlands! The leaves in the trees are beginning to turn colours! It is beautiful and will be even more breathtaking in a few weeks!

I know it almost a week later since our Open House but it was sure great to talk to many of you again! I enjoyed seeing the children introduce you to us and show you around their learning space! I was happy to hear your positive comments at how the classroom is decorated more with your child’s work, pictures and learning tools! We have been working very hard here in Kindergarten at school!

Just a few things to tell you about:

  1. French/English…the children are in full swing of switching to French each day. Monday, Tuesday and Friday the children have French in the afternoons. They have French in the mornings on Wed and Thurs. with Mdme. McCurry. They are learning a lot of vocabulary in the areas of colours, school colours, classroom environment (to name a few) each day. They are learning how to say the letters in their names in French this week. Madame has planned some fun activities for them in the areas of letter recognition and patterning for the week.


    French with Madame McCurry

  2. In Literacy (English) with myself, Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Goyal, the children are learning to recognize their names in written forms and we are concentrating on their beginning initial. We have been reading stories, morning messages and Echo reading a few times/week. We have been enjoying playing in the various play centres in the classroom focusing on social skills such as making friends, using manners and sharing and playing together. The children are doing amazing!

    Listening to Mrs. McCarthy explaining the centres

    3.terry-fox-run-logo Terry Fox Run- Letters went home on Friday! If  you are able to volunteer with the Kindergarten classes, please return the bottom portion of the letter. We will be walking around our new sodded-field for Terry Fox on Friday Sept. 30. Donations are welcome as indicated on the letter!


    4. “Housekeeping Items“- All verification forms are due back at the office. Thank-you to the families who have already done so! We are still in need of family photos, optional detail sheets returned and student profiles. Thanks so much! I am hoping to organize our class list phone numbers for you.

    5. Birthdays and Umbrellas… Please do not send in big birthday items for your child. We do our own special celebration here at school by making a birthday crown for your special child, singing “Happy birthday” and giving out birthday pencils. Non-food items (eg. stickers, inexpensive loot bags) are welcome or small fruit or veggie trays but please do not bring in a cake, cupcakes, candles or balloons. Those party items are perfect for home, but not for school. Thank-you so much for your cooperation with this. Umbrellas are not necessary for school. Please keep umbrellas at home. Hooded raincoats and rubber boots are perfect for rainy days at Kanata Highlands! *** Remember to label all of your child’s items!”… you would be surprised how many spiderman shoes we have! 🙂

Well…that’s it for now, here are some pictures from the last week for you to enjoy! Remember to check “Mr. Zippy” each night!


Our first Open House!



Organizing dinosaurs from largest to smallest….AMAZING!



Echo reading… learning that we are all readers. We read from left to right. Pointing to each word…



Our beautiful rock garden



Seriously cute and too cool for words 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂

PS… This is the best job EVER! 🙂