So happy to meet you!

chickadee.12 (1)Hi Chickadee dot Families!!!!

Just checking to see if you subscribed to my blog????? 🙂

If so, well done! 🙂 A+++++

It was great to meet you today! I know it was a lot of information and we hope that you left feeling rest-assured. If you have any unanswered questions please feel free to send me an email and I will hopefully answer your question!

2 requests please:bus

  1. Can you each send me an email so I have your email address and confirm your child’s transportation arrangements please?  I just want to make sure I have everything correct. My email is  (For example: Child’s name    Am: bus     Pm: EDP)
  2. Please bring in a family photo as well as extra clothing, indoor shoes and school supplies.

Thanks so much!!

We look forward to seeing all SK students on Thursday Sept. 8,

some of our JK students on Thursday Sept. 8 and

Friday Sept. 9 and everyone on Monday Sept. 12!

We are the chickadee dots! Chicka dee, dee dee!!! 🙂


Have a great night!

Love, Ms. Jo-Anne 🙂


Your child’s English Program Teachers: Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Jo-Anne and Mrs. Goyal